Is my winter hibernation over? Might be. Here’s something new for you.

Recently I presented to a wonderful group called Help One Child . This group supports families who have adopted or are fostering children. Many of these children were adopted from very difficult conditions in institutions where there was little human contact.

All of the families understand that any adoption is traumatic for an infant, but there was one thing they didn’t know: the impact of the adoption on their child’s nervous system.

Why is this important to you? Even if you weren’t adopted, if you have symptoms that are chronic and don’t shift even after years of therapy and medical support, this information might apply to you too! Here’s a great chart I found on Bay Area Mental Health’s Blog with the title “trauma survivors have symptoms instead of memories.” Precisely.


We all have some level of nervous system dysregulation. If we learn how to support regulation, symptoms will decrease. Yes, anxiety, depression, health symptoms – all symptoms improve when stress is less.

Watch this clip from the Help One Child Reset Day and if you like it, you can watch the whole thing on my YouTube Channel here.

Healing is not only possible, it’s not as hard as you might think! Stay tuned for more…